Lifeway wired that way personality profile
Lifeway wired that way personality profile

But the purpose of the study was to use people with very different personalities. None of the participants were in the extreme range. The Mysteries and Complexities of Personalities and the BrainĪ study was done with 15 students who were determined to be either extroverted, optimistic and outgoing or neurotic, worried and insecure. In comparing this to the women who scored lower on the extraversion scale, there was little or no brain response to the photos that depicted positive images. The frontal cortex, amygdala and anterior cingulate areas of the brain showed this reaction. There were several areas of the brain that responded to the positive images that related to emotion. The imaging results showed women who ranked higher on extraversion had more brain reactivity towards the positive photos. They were also able to observe people’s level of anxiety and insecurity to determine their tendency towards neuroticism. They wanted to compare extraverts with shy people. Those who have the tendency to be friendly and optimistic. The images provoked emotional reactions that were measured by the researchers to determine their level of extraversion. Some pictures that illicited positive images were of cute puppies, a happy couple, brownies, sunsets, icecream. Some of the negative pictures showed angry or crying people, guns, a cemetary, spiders. The images were able to record their responses to emotional stimuli (the pictures). In a study done on 14 women ages 19-42, their brain reacted to pictures that were shown to them while they were in an fMRI imaging machine. These studies show that are brain and our personality are integrally related. The amygdala is important to the emotional processing the brain does. The amygdala, is a part of the brain that usually lights up when a person feels danger or something unpleasant.

Lifeway wired that way personality profile